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Image Scanning & Submission Directions

  1. Scan your drawing (resolution @ 72 DPI).
  2. Resize your image to no more than 800 pixels wide.
  3. Save your image as a JPEG. Be sure the name of the file includes the extension .jpg preceded by the assignment# and your last name—for example:
    • 1_1_yourlastname.jpg
  4. If you have a compression setting option, then set it at its highest quality.
  5. Open and view your JPEG to make sure the details you want to highlight are clearly shown.
  6. Attach your JPEG to a post in the assigned topic in the discussion area (example: 1.1 Module One Assignment Submission). Enter your last name into the description field for the attachment window when uploading the attachment.
  7. If you are unable to upload your attachment to the topic, please send it to the instructor as an attachment to the class email and contact the Help Desk for assistance at or call 415.618.3545 (1.888.431.ARTS).

Digital Camera Image Submission Directions
In general, be sure to read your camera's manual and understand your equipment. Use the camera's automatic settings if needed, but avoid the flash setting.
To photograph your work:

  1. Hang your work in a daylit room and turn off your camera's flash. Make sure your paper is not reflecting any ambient light.
  2. Use a tripod or set the camera on a stable surface directly in front of your work, pointed straight at it [not at an angle].
  3. Make sure your work fills the view frame on the camera and take the photo.
  4. The image should be clear, not blurry, and should show changes in value.

To photograph a setup:
  1. Light the setup properly and turn off your camera's flash. This is important because the flash will obliterate the effect of your major light source, which needs to be clear in the image you submit.

To submit your work:
  1. In your image editing software, resize your image to no more than 800 pixels wide and no more than 72 dpi resolution. Save your image as a JPEG. Be sure the name of the file includes the extension .jpg preceded by the assignment # and your last name [example: 1_1_yourlastname.jpg] If you have a compression setting option, set it at high quality—somewhere around 80%.
  2. Open and view your JPEG to make sure the details you want to highlight are clearly shown.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate topic in the online discussion area. Attach your JPEG to a post in the assigned topic in the discussion area [example: 1.1: Module 1 Assignment Submission]. Enter your last name into the description field.
  4. If you are unable to upload your attachment to the topic, please send it to the instructor as an attachment in the class email and contact the Help Desk for assistance at or call 415.618.3545 [or 1.888.431.ARTS].